Tuesday, May 15, 2012

painting progress

I started painting my walls. I did some while Zy was at school. I didn't bother with trying to remove the wallpaper glue. cause this wall already has been painted over  the glue. and its hard for the remover to penetrate the paint. but painting over the old paint loosened  up some of the glue anyway. I want to buy that paint dissolver for the other walls. but I'll try to keep using the remover for now.

                                                  This top photo was taken 2:30pm I actually used a toothbrush to get the edges near the door frames. and at the top next to the ceiling because I can't find the brush that came with the tray set.

                                                   This was taken 5:18pm See I got annoyed and started to scrape off the uneven parts. and that big part at the bottom the new paint is actually peeling off. I guess it needs to dry more. or thats the type of paint it is. or it may be a combo of both cause on some parts of the wall that the plaster is exposed the paint is not peeling off at all, its in there good.

I think I will do more of trying to remove the old paint/glue on the rest of this wall so it can be clean for me to paint in the morning.

this is a whole different corner. as you can see at one point i got to lazy/bored/tired to remove the wallpaper glue. So I started to paint. then I got bored with that and didn't finish the paint. this is the room I'm living in. no wonder I have a issue with depression. oh well I'm making a good effort this year to better my circumstances. 

Today was a dentist visit for Zy.  She has no cavities!!! so happy about that. She was really scared this visit. and this time they didn't let her sit in my lap. They treated her like a big girl. and I let her have the lolly after. cause It was sugar free.

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