Monday, May 10, 2010

Beauty school

I'm in the process of enrolling in Marinello.
I feel really good about it. When I'm there I feel motivated to get a better life for myself.
When I imagine applying the things I learn from the school in real life, I get excited.
I still want to get a degree though. I don't know in what so its probably gonna be language arts.
To help me stay motivated i need to finally make a vision board.

May list

Things I want
1) grommet tool
2) new alternative/ steampunk/ edgy/ bohemian wardrobe that I mostly made myself
3) easy tone Reebok shoes
4) my hair done in cybergoth style

Things I need
1) smog check for my car
2) registration for my car
3) car maintenance.

How do I get these things
1) save
2) job
3) start making things and selling them.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Okay so i did do Zy's party.
But i haven't been doing as well on the food. I have been eating more food i made myself. but i have also still been eating foods from a freezer. best of that is altleast its not microwave food.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So much to do

Tommorow is Zy's Birthday. Wow, It kinda snuck up on me. I was thinking all this morning while I was lingering in Bed, that I could not do all the stuff I had planed for. cause she won't remember and I didn't invite people over. But no I can't do that. I need to do all that I can with the reasorces that I have. First cause I will remember. Second, cause I will take photos. Third, I need to stop doing things half ass.
I have more to add to my list of 'Things I want'
1. to live in a nicer home. So I can raise my daughter is a safe, calm environment.
2. to cook all my food from scratch in April
3. to not eat after 5 pm in April
4. give up sugar for a week
5. do some exercise. I found my yoga mat.
6. finish something I start.
Short term goals
1. make a pair of wings for Zy. So she can wear them tomorrow.
2. crap! I should probably make a cake. We have brownie mix in the house
3. Ah! I'm going to (got distracted to i forgot this one)
4. clean my room. find some kinda system to separate my stuff from Zy's.
5. paint my room. Still don't know what color to use.
6. spend way less time on the computer.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm making a blog on this site mainly yo keep up with some interesting people I been following on
The other purpose of this blog it to keep me up on improving my life. kinda like keeping me motivated. Putting positivity out in the universe to come back to me.
About me. I just turned... well i don't know if i should put my age out there. :D
i like to sew its a hobby of mine.
I recently self diagnosed myself with anxiety disorder. i figure it fits. cause i used to could do things. not at anytime was I able/ motivated to do all the things i wanted to do. but more in the past then i have done lately. My new years resolution was to "do something girly each day. " that lasted for about a week. anyway i may not be able to say i did it the whole year. but that's no reason to not at least finish this year with that goal.
I also like photography. i keep a camera with me all the time. I always wanted to be a actress. I was a shy child. and I hated when i would blush cause someone looked at me and what not. so one day i just decided to stop being so sensitive to attention. after that i was just "off the hook" but i've mellowed out in my older years. and is like i've taken a turn to introvertedness.
Maybe i'm in a transition. and if i am even more reason to become who i always wanted to be. Granted i don't exactly know who that i. but she is motivated. and she does carfts. makes things and isn't afraid to sell them. she has a calmer temper. and is fun to be around...
also about me. i have a child. one a daughter. she is turning 2 next month. blah blah. i could go on but i don't have anything to write. so thanks for reading this. and i hope you have a good day!