Monday, May 10, 2010

Beauty school

I'm in the process of enrolling in Marinello.
I feel really good about it. When I'm there I feel motivated to get a better life for myself.
When I imagine applying the things I learn from the school in real life, I get excited.
I still want to get a degree though. I don't know in what so its probably gonna be language arts.
To help me stay motivated i need to finally make a vision board.

May list

Things I want
1) grommet tool
2) new alternative/ steampunk/ edgy/ bohemian wardrobe that I mostly made myself
3) easy tone Reebok shoes
4) my hair done in cybergoth style

Things I need
1) smog check for my car
2) registration for my car
3) car maintenance.

How do I get these things
1) save
2) job
3) start making things and selling them.