Monday, April 30, 2012

I got a really amazing book that talks about things my mother has been telling me for years. Plus explanations of
how your glands burn fat. and how to keep them healthy so
they can do what they are supposed to do.
also she talks about things that i been saying for years
you know how we grow up when fat free low fat
poped up. we i always knew those weren't healthy.
and they aren't cause to make up for the flavor
loss in them they add extra sugar. also I bet whatever
processes they use to remove the fat can't be too healthy.

crap, this is a draft and i'm not sure when i wrote it.

nother nose bleed

2nd this month. for about a week now i  have had issues with my throat. pain or coughing. or constantly having to swallow.  now its a combination of having to swallow and hacking loogies. so miserable when i'm trying to sleep.  I want to take a little red pill to dry it up. but then it might lead to the uncontrollable coughing. I only know of one home remedy for this condition and thts drink water. let me tell you its not working. but i'm gonna keep drinking water and maybe take extra dose of vitamin c
I got some ingredients for Kimbap. and I intend to make some this week. can't wait!!
I made a modified version of salmon potato cakes today. Zy liked it with ketchup. I didn't have all the ingredients. Also I didn't want to separate the eggs. I find that for this kind of cooking the whole egg works best. plus that more protein and i don't like to waste food.

elfen lied

I just finished d Elfin lied yesterday. I don't see what the fuss was about.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Swiss chard

I planted a Swiss chard. sometime last year. may have been at the beggining of fall 2011.
Its organic. not very tasty but I hope its healthy enough. its lasted this long cause its on a pedestool and  surrounded my chicken wire. we have chickens that want at this real bad.

Friday, April 27, 2012

accent tag southern California

I got this idea from grav3yardgirl it looked really fun.
so i'm going to do a youtube tag video. there are different ones out there so i spliced them together to create a list that i liked. 

Read the list of words: Aunt, roof, route, wash, oil, theatre, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, sure, data, 
ruin, crayon, toilet, New Orleans, pecan, both, again, probably, Crackerjack, avenue, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, pajamas, court, naturally, aluminium, gif, doorknob, envelope, 
drawing, tomato, possum, dog, February, syrup, leisure, about, process, status, organization, orange, talk, 
mobile, idea, breakfast, draw, horror, herbs

Is it cold where you are?
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What's a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call a wheeled contraption you use at a supermarket?
What is your favourite colour? What colour are your eyes?
What do you change the TV channel with?
Do you think you have an accent?
Would you rather be a wizard or a vampire?
What was the last thing you drank?
Would you rather: 
Have a million dollars or a million 
 Eat a taco or a quesadilla? 
Be a shark or an elephant?
Do you speak a second language? Say something in it.
What's the bug, that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call a spider with an oval shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call the cold device you keep food fresh in?
Which do you say?:
Chips or crisps?
Jam or jelly?
Rubbish or trash?
Elevator or lift?
Pants or trousers?
Taxi or cab?
Mobile or cell phone
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
End audio post by saying any three words you want.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm excited!

I made some progress today!.
I went to the career center and talked to the counselor and got a lot of information from him. And thanks to Angela's help I knew what to ask him. I have a list of classes I need to take that are transferable to the schools I want to take. He showed me what schools offer the degree I want. also we talked about the type of degree I want and he thinks I should focus my studies on Marketing. Sounds good cause I really don't want to do accounting. and Administrations sounds too subordinate. I'm so pumped, and optimistic. he also told me that I should only take one, no more then 2 classes this summer. I had planned to take 3 possibly 4. Some of the classes I need to transfer I also done. so thats less classes I need. some classes i dropped in the past are classes I need. I wish I would have finished them :( . anyway its about 2 years of classes I need. until I can transfer. I'm probably going to transfer to a state college. cause state colleges are cheaper. But If I win the lotto or some other financial blessing I might go to a UC.

Monday, April 23, 2012


last night i had decided to declare my major as Writing. so this morning I went to the college and took the assessment test for reading a writing. I'm going to do the math later.
my scores
reading: 92
writing: 90
reading+MM: 96
English+MM 95
so what that means is that i'm at a college level at reading I don't have to take any reading classes and some other classes that require me to have a reading 99 eligibility I qualify for those now.
and I'm at a college level at Writing so I can go straight to English 101 and that is a class that is needed to get a AA degree. Yeah for me. now i want to get some studying done then the better score i get the least amount of math classes I have to take to get a degree.
I have a appointment for career assessment in the morning. and I'm going to tell the interviewer that I want a job that allows me to travel. so I need the degree that will get me that job.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

declare major

I'm going to make writing my major. it might not be the one i finish with. but atleast I will have a major

Tenjo Night

Custom settings for My Tingo Night robot
1. Loves to clean my house, and car
2. Loves to cook, great at cooking many different types of food
3. loves only me, Romantically
4. Good with money. Good at making money
5. Smarter then me but doesn't brag about it.
6. Encourages me to follow my dreams
7. attuned to my body language
8. Skilled at adapting to any social situation.
9. knows how to charm in- laws
10. skilled at childcare
11. Good fighter
12. amazingly fit body
13. calls me "Wifey"
14. skilled vehicle driver
15. Amorous, but backs down if i'm uncomfortable
16. Attracted only to me
17. Taller then 5 feet 10 inches, shorter then 6 feet 4 inches
18. good at pulling pranks
19. good at making me laugh
20. wants to travel with me
21. okay with taking care of me so i can drink alcohol worry free
22. loves to see me smile.

Alot of these i would love to find in a real man. But for now i'll dream about my Robot thats programmed with my settings.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

religious people suck balls

I accept God. I embrace God. But I reject his followers. and I'm Sick of their hypocracy.
I'm not Gay. I'm sick of them giving me their opinions and criticism on how i live My life. They talk about homosexuality like its the worst sin anyone can commit. They don't even go after murders with the same tunnel vision. So for people with this kinda mentality to come after me When by Their rules i'm not even the worst offender makes me reject criticism they say from very deep inside me. I hate feeling like this. and already I have too much sadness in my life. I can look at myself on my own with my own eyes and see my own faults. Its really not necessary to have some other people catalog everything that's wrong with me.

Argument with my mother.
Mother: (some bible quote)
Me: The bible was written by people
Mother: God inspired people to write the bible.
me thinking: (what about other books Who inspires people to write those? how do we know God was the entity that gave this inspiration? for all we know these people were tripping balls.)
Me: people were around before the Bible
Mother: God has always been around
Me: there are other religions. What makes yours more valid?
Mother: CAuse Jesus Died for our sins. Did Buddha die for you. Did Muhammad?

Only thing I can think about that is. We have no Proof that his death did ANYTHING for us.
from my limited understanding 1. Buddha never claimed to be God 2. Muhammad is a messenger, he also didn't claim to be a God.
The only things Christians have is a Book. thats NOT something more then the other majors religions have.
If you ONLY have a BOOK to prove that your religion is true, how can you with a straight face claim its more valid?

Friday, April 13, 2012

heath update

so my brain kinda gets tight. and it hurts when i eat sugar. and other stuff. this is mainly about my nose bleed today, i had one.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

usa stops Aid to North Korea AFTER missile

really!! why are we giving these people anything after they openly admitted that they have Nuks?
also if its so bad for the regular people ther why aren't they crossing the border south, Mexican style. its not like they look different enough to stick out.
heres a plan cross the boarder, then claim refugee rights for either Canada, USA or England. these people must like it in North Korea. so just leave them be. don't give aid to that government they clearly don't need it if they have money to spend on missiles.
also What the hell is wrong with the mentality of n. korea!! why do things thats alienating yourself from the rest of the world? from what i can see no one wants to attack you. we may be trying to prepair for a attack from you. but no one is waiting to invade you. so just chill and enjoy capitalism like the rest of us. allow your people to wear bright colors and start making romantic comedies. okay?!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


when watching a Korean drama can someone please explain to me the running joke of mis-spelling/ interpreting chinease characters. Korea has their own written language. so why use a language that you don't understand that well. also they do it in Taiwanese dramas too. they do it with the speech as well as written.
people that grew up in South California don't try to write in Spanish. (unless they have Spanish heritage.)

Friday, April 6, 2012

fun in long beach

i was able to take Zy to aquarium of the pacific. She had a good time. she told me more then once. "thank you for taking me to the aquarium. this is so much fun!"
I got a Magellan gps. that fun not having to pull over to ask for directions. and i didn't have to enter the address. I just looked up long beach and found attractions. I had originally bought it to take it back after the trip. but I'm thinking i may keep it. I need a gps cause i have a young child in the car with me. and especially cause i don't have a cell phone. but it was on sale and so far its pretty amazing device. its got AAA app. with AAA points of interest.