Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm excited!

I made some progress today!.
I went to the career center and talked to the counselor and got a lot of information from him. And thanks to Angela's help I knew what to ask him. I have a list of classes I need to take that are transferable to the schools I want to take. He showed me what schools offer the degree I want. also we talked about the type of degree I want and he thinks I should focus my studies on Marketing. Sounds good cause I really don't want to do accounting. and Administrations sounds too subordinate. I'm so pumped, and optimistic. he also told me that I should only take one, no more then 2 classes this summer. I had planned to take 3 possibly 4. Some of the classes I need to transfer I also done. so thats less classes I need. some classes i dropped in the past are classes I need. I wish I would have finished them :( . anyway its about 2 years of classes I need. until I can transfer. I'm probably going to transfer to a state college. cause state colleges are cheaper. But If I win the lotto or some other financial blessing I might go to a UC.

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