I should be doing my homework!!
Well, today Zy got her first major haircut. We chopped off about 12”. The braid is going to be donated to a charity that makes free or discounted wigs for children that have lost their hair do to medical reasons.
Mind you, I had been threatening to chop off her hair for about a year now. I just get sick of my mother nagging me to do it. Like I’m some kind of unpaid hairdresser. I would do it voluntarily if Zy wouldn’t holler bloody murder when I barely even touch it. So since my mother is old fashioned, old ye day she started doing Zy’s hair. But she only did it in braids. That’s pretty boring. A Few days ago she combed Zy’s hair out and it was noticeably thinner. So basically a person that doesn’t know how to do simple hair maintenance is trying to dictate how someone else’s hair is.
I took Zy to ulta yesterday. I needed a sleep mask. And While we were there she says to me that she wants her hair cut. And she indicates at her scalp. I’m like “are you sure?” (super excited!) “That’s very short.” She said “Yes”. Looking back, I think she is also tired of how painful it is to maintain a long hair length. So I walk to the salon and ask the attendant the most important question “Do you have a stylist that is familiar with curly hair? We used a woman once who had a daughter with curly hair, years ago. It would be great if she still works here” The attendant goes in the back and asks the stylist on duty if any of them know how to work with curly hair. One was quick to answer in the affirmative. And I’m happy that it is the woman from years ago that gave Zy her first haircut.
I make an appointment with her for today. I warn my mother last night. (basically to gloat. To rub it in) That I followed through with my threat. She was not happy. She kept trying to use guilt and other tactics to shame me into not doing it. She actually tried to tell me (not suggest) that I cut the bottom 2” off. Which is basically the thin hair that it’s too thin to make it into a braid. Never mind the fact that she basically brushed out ½ of this child’s hair only this week.
Moving forward, we make it to the salon on time. But early, The beautician needed to push the time because she added a new client last minute. Zy and I used the extra time to walk to B&N Starbucks and share a bowl of chili. I also got caramel waffle cone frapp.
We go back to the salon and the lady is super nice. Right away she tells me about this call she had with “grandma:” Turns out she had called me to let me know she pushed the time. My mother answered the phone and (according to the beautician) just lets her have it. The last time I took Zy to get her hair cut I asked for a Diva cut and I made myself clear. I asked if anyone in the salon knew how to make a Diva cut. A woman volunteered so I just trusted her with Zy’s hair. That woman ended up giving Zy a layered cut. And sin of all hair sins (according to my mother) *gasp * flat ironed it! I was fine with it. My mother is so irritating how she takes my daughter’s hair so personal.
Unfortunately for the poor beautician today, she gets blamed for the terrible job another stylist did at a completely different salon. She had good humor about it. And she was sympathetic towards my mother. Her interpretation of my mother’s ire was that Zy’s hair was so beautiful it’s a shame to cut it. I was skeptical at explanation.
This whole time during this about 24hour period I keep asking her if she is sure she wants such a major cut. She doesn’t relent. Although we end up with her hair being longer then originally decided.
After the beautician cut Zy’s hair she styled it in two French braids. Then she put little-jeweled flower stickers. To make it looks kind of like she was ready to be a flower girl at a wedding. I think she was trying to show my mother that short hair could still be feminine. Zy was super happy. She got to keep the stickers that didn’t make it into her hair. The beautician gave me a slight discount. Zy has a small braid I intend to donate to a worthy cause.

When I get home I expect my mother to be appeased somewhat with how adorable Zy’s hair turned out. But no. She bugs me again with her doom and gloom old tyme religious brainwashing propaganda “I’m just going to say one more thing. People treat women with short hair different, then they do with women with long hair. “ So it was homophobic reasons. Let’s just ignore that she herself has short hair. And let’s ignore that some people, unfortunately have short hair because of medical reasons. Because apparently we are living in medieval times when a woman with short hair, only has short hair for unnatural reasons.
The main thing, in my opinion is that Zy is happy. She likes having less hair to deal with. And the hair that was chopped off was thin. And now it will go towards helping a child that can’t grow their own hair.