Aug 22, 2016
Dear future,
Hello! I started fall semester today. The professor let us out early. I met two of my classmates. One was in a few movies as a child actor. The other was a young woman that made a move across the country without having a place to live or a job. Not even friends to crash on a couch.
I didn't have time to do makeup this morning. On the way home I had to stop in Verizon to fix my phone. My phone is noticeably slow and I may need to switch it out. It was slow even after the clerk did a factory reset. Now I have to reprogram my calendar.
When I went to lay my laundry out just now I felt something crawling on my feet. I looked down and there were many ants on me. I dropped the clothes in my hands right on the ant infest ground. so I had to rewash most of the stuff. ugggg my skin still feels like there are ants crawling on me. I took an allergy pill to stop a reaction. One of the bites on my hand was already starting to swell.
I should be doing my homework right now. I checked my grade for summer math and I got a B!!
Have a great night,
Monday, August 22, 2016
Saturday, August 20, 2016
New blue twists!
Aug 20th, 2016
Dear future,
It took me like 4 days but today I finished braiding my hair! Las time I attempted this I only ended up doing the small portion in the back. And then I wore a scarf for months. Just like that. And that wasn’t even the first time I did my own hair in braids or twists.
The antelope valley fair started Friday. I couldn’t go because I completely forgot about it. I spent all damn day yesterday trying to get the new galaxy note 7. I even preordered it. I was one of the fortunate people to have my phone in the store. Other people preordered but theirs did come in. something kept telling me that I should just be patient and wait. Either wait for my contract to be over. Or wait at least a day. If I had waited at least a day I could have gotten my free gearfit2. If I wanted longer for my contract to be over I would have been able to keep my number. As it is now I’m going to lose my number and I have not gearfit2. Bummer. But I have my phone. So.. all good?.?.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
sleeping in curlformers
Aug 16, 2016
Dear future,
Well okay, Not many people seen the video I uploaded. I was also approved for google AdSense. But it’s a different account. I need to talk to other YouTubers to find out what I need to do.
I made rice it’s a mild buttery flavor. And I’m the only one that ate it. I mixed some plain yogurt and amino acids together to give the rice a tangy flavor.
I had to take a nap today. It was so hot. I thought we were coming out of the summer weather. It was almost 100 degrees.
I deep conditioned my hair. I didn’t feel like rinsing it after the timer went off. So I ended up having to pick Zy up while I had the stuff on my head. Plastic cap and two knit caps on top.
I had to take a nap today. It was so hot. I thought we were coming out of the summer weather. It was almost 100 degrees.
I deep conditioned my hair. I didn’t feel like rinsing it after the timer went off. So I ended up having to pick Zy up while I had the stuff on my head. Plastic cap and two knit caps on top.
I watched 4 episode of the Korean show ‘W’. I like it. I’d be watching it right now. But It's still on the air, so I have to wait for each new episode.
I blow-dried my hair after I washed out the conditioner. I only used a heat protectant when I blow dried. Right now I’m in curlformers. I used my own conditioner concoction to remoisten my hair before putting them in curlformers. I’m going to sleep in them.
My mother started to give me crap AGAIN about Zy's short hair. What set her off? Because My hair is apparently growing and since I want long hair It wasn't fair of me to cut Zy's. "Its going to grow back. Her hair grows faster them mine!" she can't see reason! "When god gives people long hair they need to grow it long. Not everyone can grow long hair" Not rational thoughts at all. We aren't living in the middle ages when woman were treated suspiciously when they had short hair. And she knows damn well that girls hair needed a cut. It would have been less of a cut if she got regular trims. I can't keep talking about this person that doesn't know how to make decisions based on practicality or rational thought process.
Good night,
Sunday, August 14, 2016
trip to SeaWorld
Aug 14, 2016
Dear future,
Dear future,
On the 6th I took Zy to San Diego SeaWorld. I enjoyed myself. Zy gave me a little trouble that morning. But she liked her time at SeaWorld. We dined with Shamu. It was buffet food. Not the best. But not the worst. I like the “grown-ups” mac and cheese. 

We saw the 'Cirque de la Mer' show at sunset. It was fun to watch. My favorite part was the guy on the jet ski tube thingy.
While I was there my battery was terribly low. I had just bought the phone right before I arrived. So it didn’t have a full charge. SeaWorld has charging stations. And my cousin Mark let me use his mophie. It didn’t give me a full charge and it stopped before it was finished. I’m not sure if that was because the battery needed an out of the box top off. Or if he got a lemon.
Zy and I made a video today. I uploaded it to youtube. Mark says it was cute and funny. I’m glad it was short. It lacks graphics. The whole channel does. But it’s something I’m comfortable posting public. So it’s a start. 1st youtube video
Something I want to do today is to digitize all my receipts. And organize the room more. Finish painting my walls. I Have one wall that is finished. The other walls are the gray color I picked out a few years ago. I need to hurry finish with the new color I picked out before I get bored of it. I need to start putting braids in my hair. I want it done before the first day of fall semester.
I think I should add a graphic design class to my load. It’s a useful skill. That and video editing.
I’ll talk to you later,
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Wild cat in my room!
Dear future,
Dude! You don’t have to tell me how flaky I am. I just forgot that I had a blog. These few weeks I have been getting back into makeup. Not sure it’s the greatest attempt. But I like the look. It’s almost a full face. I just need to Feek my eyebrows. (snickers) right now I have been doing everything but my eyebrows.
The unicorn’s tears I told you about. I have been wearing it mostly around the house to get used to having color on my lips. And It’s amazing!! I just bought it kind of as a joke. But this formula is the best! It’s not nasty smelling like lipsticks’ I’ve used in the past. The best part is I could just throw out all my lip gloss and chap sticks. My lips were chapped from; I swear it was less than a full day of not using anything. My lips were chapped and almost split from the dryness. Like they needed a exfoliate to remove the peeling. I didn’t bother to scrub them because I wasn’t going out. I just put on the unicorns tears and went to sleep. The next morning my lips were healed! And so soft. I can’t even remember the last time my lips felt this soft.
Unicorn tears looks really pretty when the blue shimmery part wears off. The under color it leaves behind is so beautiful. I want that color as by itself. I kind of have to use UT then wipe it off a little to get that color on purpose. But that’s wasting product. I’m going to find out if too faced has that color already available to buy.
I just had to buy some more of this lipstick in a different color. Something less outrageous. I got another one in shade pink chocolate. It’s very mild to me now. The only reason you would notice it is because I have large lips.
I got some bare minerals powder foundation, prep Step, and beautiful finish brush this Sunday. The color is like my exact match. But It doesn’t seem to play well with the Mac concealer I use. I love my Mac prep+Prime. I would have never known to use this color to hide my dark circles. But When I went to Mac counter to get a makeover the girl used this on me. I like to use it to try to hide my moles and the corners of my mouth had dark scarring from when I was little. When I added the bare minerals over it the BM seems to wipe the concealer off. I’m going to give it a little longer to dry. Then add the BM.
Another con about the BM is that Its comes off. I don’t know how the lighter colors acts but the dark ones leave its mark everywhere. I’m going to get a translucent powder to put on top to see if it stays put better. It might also be because of how hot it is. My makeup just melts off my face.
When I got home last night; explosive excitement. The was a car trapped in my room! My mother hadn’t seen it. But Zy was Quick to retell its path of disruption around my room. I didn’t see the cat or hear it. But I did see the evidence of its disregard for my personal space. I didn’t know for sure it was in my room until I came back in my room from washing off my makeup. I guess since the light was off while I wasn’t in there the cat thought it was safe to walk around. I didn’t see it when I turned the light on. But I heard it. I went to sleep. I know it couldn’t hide forever it either get hungry or bored. Sure enough, this bugger woke me up when it tried to leave the room through the window. By this time my allergies were flaring. Further evidence that a cat was in my room, my eyes were gunky and my nose was raw. ( this is why I dislike indoor pets) I heard it meowing and scratching at the window screen. So I get out of bed and tried to catch it. Then I saw for myself how much of a wild cat this thing was. It was running everywhere. Climbing all over my stuff. I had to rewash clean clothes to make sure its nasty outdoor cat dander doesn’t flair my allergies for the next week. It eventually stayed under my bed. And I was too tired to try to get it by myself.
This morning I tell my mother that Yes I seen the cat and Its now under my bed. She with the quickness, walked to my room and with the three of use she was able to grab it by its neck. I was a little too scared to grab it because I was worried it might try to scratch me. I’m glad it’s not in my room anymore. My eyes Still feel like crap.
well I have to get raedy for school.
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